Notice: Haisla Centre roadwork to commence August 12, 2024

Haisla Centre roadwork to commence August 12, 2024

As yáqʷa Development Corporation advances planning for the next phase of the Haisla Centre Project, we want to make sure the community is informed about site activities and future plans.

Road Extension Work at Haisla Centre

yáqʷa has contracted Metric Civil Contractors to undertake work at the Haisla Centre site to improve traffic flow to and from the existing Haisla Condo building, and to facilitate the future planned development of the site. To do so, they will be realigning the existing road within the site footprint.

Where:    Haisla Centre site (all work to take place inside the property)

What:       Realignment of current road, grading, paving works

Why:         To improve access to Haisla Condo building and prepare for future development

When:     Equipment will arrive August 8th, with work commencing August 12th. Completion is anticipated by end of October 2024.

We do not anticipate any impact on public roads during this time. However, please note that the sidewalk within the site footprint will be closed for safety reasons. We ask that you please obey all posted signs and travel safely in the area.

If you have questions about this work, please reach out to Lisa Grant by email at


About yáqʷa

yáqʷa was established in 2024 as the economic development arm of the Haisla Nation. Our mandate is to develop, manage and own the active businesses of the Nation. yáqʷa was established to allow for the separation of business and governance within the Haisla Nation. We are open for business and encourage you to visit our website to learn more and reach out to our team.

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